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Many of us started taking vitamins because we were told they were important for our health.  Vitamin C helps us avoid colds, and “everyone” should be taking a daily multi-vitamin, right?  Thinking that all vitamins are created equal, most of us shop around for the best prices rather than considering which products have the best nutritional supplements for our bodies. 

It was only after I became a Mannatech Independent Distributor that I started researching various supplements.  I found out that most of the vitamins available today are manufactured from petrochemicals and the minerals are sourced by grinding up rocks!  Because our bodies were designed to get nutritional support from ingested plants, these foreign sources are not readily recognized and the majority of the benefit we think we are getting is not made available to our cells.  While plant based vitamins and minerals can be a little more expensive, they are much more “bioavailable” meaning that our bodies can actually process them!

Catalyst Multivitamin Tablets as distributed by Mannatech Independent Distributors include all the key vitamins and minerals the average adult needs to supplement their diet, but that isn’t enough to maintain optimal health!  Our cells must communicate with-in the system (body) for maximum support of all function, and cellular communication is carried out by “glycans” which are complex molecules that attach to the outside of our cells.  Mannatech pioneered the study/science of “glyconutrition” over 25 years ago, and over a dozen clinical studies have proven the effectiveness of Ambrotose in supporting key systems like digestion and immune support.

To optimize your health/wellness it is important to supplement your diet, but it is very important to supplement with the best nutritional supplements available, and that includes the nutrients that enhance cell to cell communication.  Also important are immune booster supplements to help your body fight of the constant attack of toxins we are exposed to.

To provide a solid base of what we all need to enhance optimal health, Mannatech put together a “bundle” containing four key products.  AmbrotoseLIFE and Optimal Support Packets provides the all-important cellular communication needed for all systems to work properly (AmbrotoseLIFE) as well as the plant based vitamins and minerals (Catalyst Multivitamin Tablets) often missing from our diets.  The “bundle” also includes great immune booster supplements and Plus which supplies the nutritional support of optimal hormone production.  All your body’s glands are supported by hormones and these glands act as control centers in your body.

The best nutritional supplements you can take are plant based and designed to not only supply the vitamins and minerals missing from our diets but also the nutrients needed to support glandular function, immune support, and cellular communication.  I'm proud to be able to help people improve their health as a Mannatech Independent Distributor.

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